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Humbug Valley


Transfer of Land to Maidu Summit Consortium


The donation of land at the Humbug Valley (Tasmam Kojom) planning unit to the Maidu Summit Consortium, and the establishment of a conservation easement held jointly by California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Feather River Land Trust were finalized on September 18, 2019.


Final donated LCCP

Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan – Humbug Valley


At its May 2, 2018 meeting, the board adopted the final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan for lands to be donated to the Maidu Summit Consortium at the Humbug Valley Tasmam Kojom planning unit in Plumas County.


The Humbug Valley LCCP describes how the proposed transactions and related agreements conform to and fulfill all requirements of the 2003 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation.


The Draft LCCP was made available for a public review and comment period from February 26, 2018 to March 28, 2018.




At its November 14, 2013 meeting, the board recommended the Maidu Summit Consortium to receive fee title to approximately 2,325 acres available for donation within four parcels (parcels 699-702) in the Humbug Valley planning unit, subject to compliance with all of the requirements of the Land Conservation Commitment, including the following terms:


  • The Summit agrees to enter into a legally binding agreement to ensure that the conservation easement and other agreements executed pursuant to the Land Conservation Commitment remain enforceable in perpetuity; and

  • Prior to board adoption of the LCCP for Humbug Valley, the Summit successfully completes the pre-LCCP adoption milestones established pursuant to a capacity-building grant to be developed and funded by the Stewardship Council.


At this meeting, the board also recommended the Feather River Land Trust and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to jointly hold a conservation easement over the watershed lands in the Humbug Valley planning unit.



Stewardship Council Board Donee Recommendations for the Humbug Valley Planning Unit


At its September 15, 2011 meeting, the board recommended funding up to two enhancement projects in the Humbug Valley planning unit to be implemented by the Maidu Summit Consortium prior to the Stewardship Council board making a possible fee title donee recommendation for the lands in that planning unit in an amount not to exceed $200,000 assuming the Stewardship Council, Maidu Summit Consortium, and PG&E reach agreement on the projects and the grant terms.

Land Stewardship Proposals


In July 2013, the Stewardship Council received a joint Land Stewardship Proposal supplement from the Maidu Summit Consortium and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to their original Land Stewardship Proposals received in 2010. The information and statements contained in this supplement was prepared by the respective organizations. Proposals are presented 'as is' and the Stewardship Council does not make any assertion regarding the accuracy or completeness of information presented, nor do the proposals necessarily reflect the views of the Stewardship Council.


On November 12, 2010, the Stewardship Council received two land stewardship proposals from organizations interested in being considered for a donation of fee title to certain lands located within the Humbug Valley planning unit. Proposals were prepared and submitted by the Maidu Summit Consortium and California Department of Fish and Game. The information and statements contained in these proposals were prepared by the respective organizations. Proposals are presented 'as is' and the Stewardship Council does not make any assertion regarding the accuracy or completeness of information presented, nor do the proposals necessarily reflect the views of the Stewardship Council. The Stewardship Council is also posting the Maidu Summit Consortium’s referenced 2007 Land Management Plan Proposal.

Organizations Submitting a Statement of Qualifications


California Department of Fish and Game
County of Plumas
Environmental Education Council of Marin
Feather River Land Trust
Maidu Summit Consortium
Native American Land Conservancy
Plumas Corporation
US Forest Service - Lassen National Forest


Public Information Meeting

The primary purpose of this meeting was to solicit public input on the development of the Land Conservation and Conveyance Plans (LCCP) to preserve and enhance the beneficial public values.



Public Info meeting/maps

The Stewardship Council is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation

©2023 Stewardship Council.

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