Mountain Meadows

Recommendations | Public Meeting Information | Maps
Permanent Protection of Mountain Meadows Reservoir Planning Unit
On August 20th, 2018 a conservation easement was recorded to protect the Beneficial Public Values of the watershed lands at the Mountain Meadows planning unit. The conservation easement established on the property is held by the Feather River Land Trust.
Final Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan Adoption
At its September 21, 2016 meeting the board adopted the Land Conservation and Conveyance Plan for the Mountain Meadows planning unit in Lassen and Plumas Counties.
The LCCP describes how the proposed conservation easement transaction conforms to and fulfills the requirements of the 2003 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation.
The board also approved the proposed conservation easement funding agreement between the Stewardship Council and the Feather River Land Trust.
The draft LCCP was made available for a public review and comment period from June 7, 2016 to July 7, 2016.
All lands within the Mountain Meadows Reservoir planning unit were designated for retention by PG&E. Therefore, the Stewardship Council Board of Directors did not make fee title recommendations for this planning unit.
At its October 20, 2010 meeting, the board recommended the Feather River Land Trust as the prospective conservation easement holder for lands at the Mountain Meadows planning unit, located in Lassen and Plumas Counties.