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A Historic Stewardship Effort for California

Humbug Valley Planning Unit

Conserving Watershed Lands          Investing in Our Youth


The Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council (Stewardship Council) was a private, non-profit foundation established in 2004 as part of a 2003 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation with Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).


We had two goals: to ensure that over 140,000 acres of California's pristine watershed lands were conserved for the public good through our Land Conservation Program, and to invest in outdoor programs that serve California's young people through our Youth Investment Program.


Bringing a broad range of interests and expertise to the Stewardship Council, our Board of Directors was made up of leading conservation, natural resource management, business, and public officials.


The Stewardship Council worked collaboratively with the people of California on this historic effort. If you would like to learn more, please visit our Public Information Page. The Stewardship Council will dissolve as a nonprofit organization on April 1, 2024.



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